Setting Up Your Highrise Integration

Highrise is a customer management tool. You can learn more or sign up by visiting their website:

We offer integration with Highrise. Here are a few of the key features of this integration: 

  • You can import all of your Highrise clients into Bidsketch 
  • You can convert Highrise deals into proposals 
  • Major proposal events are added to Highrise as notes 
  • Proposals are added to Highrise as deals, with updated status 

Setting Up Your Integration

To set up your Highrise integration, first, go to your Highrise account and copy the API token. To do this, go to "account & settings" then "my info." Click on the "API token" tab and copy the API token.

In Bidsketch, go to your account settings, to the “integration" tab. Click on the “new integration" button. Underneath the Highrise logo click "start" to get started.

From here you'll be taken to a verification form. Paste the API token, enter your Highrise URL, and check the "import contacts" box. Click "save" and you're done.

Turning Your Deals Into Proposals

You can create a proposal from any of your Highrise deals with just the click of a button. To do this, click on the "Highrise" tab from your main dashboard, and select "create proposal."

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