How can I get the proposal link?
There are 2 ways that you can send and view the proposal link that your client receives.
Getting the Share Link
When sending a proposal, you can retrieve your proposal link to send to your clients by clicking on "Send Proposal" in your proposal dashboard:
Then click on "Get share link" from the proposal you're working on:
and choosing "copy link":
You can also view your proposal AS a client without triggering notifications by clicking "preview":
Send the Proposal Link to Yourself
A second way to access the link to a proposal/viewing it as a client is by sending the proposal to yourself. You can do that by following these steps:
1. Log in to your account
2. From your Proposals dashboard, click on the title of the proposal you want a link to
3. Click on the “send proposal" button at the top of the page
4. In the “to" field, enter your own email address, and click the “send email" button
You will receive an email that contains an external link to your proposal.