How to Reset Your Password
If you’re having trouble logging in to your account, you can retrieve your password using our password reset tool.
Go to your login screen (which you can access by going to your account URL).
Enter your username or the email that you used to register your Bidsketch account with in the field that says, “Email or Login.”
If you can’t remember your password, click on the link that says, “Forgot your Password?”
In the blank field, type in the email you used to register your Bidsketch account and click, “Save":
A confirmation message will pop up letting you know to expect an email soon:
You’ll receive an email with a link to follow (to the page where you’ll reset your password):
Now, all you have to do is type, and re-type (for verification), your new password, and click, “Save":
If you’re still having trouble logging in, feel free to contact us and we’ll help you out.